This photo was taken by one of the riders of RASA 2013 and I think it just captures the race for me, plus it's a very good photo ! Which in some strange way leads me on to the Freedom Challenge Scholarship Fund. Part of riding the Freedom Challenge is the charity aspect and the riders giving back to the communities we ride through. The scholarship fund is a great vehicle to do this. All of the scholars come from the Eastern Cape area that we have the privilege to ride through, it has the best single track of the route. Lets clarify, the single track is cow paths, foot paths, and goat paths but they are great. The scholars come from homes that are really poor, mostly no electricity, (the government need more BMW's first) they carry water for miles to their homes, they walk miles to school, and their daily nutrition needs are not always met. It's not a sob story, it's a reality. These kids through the scholarship fund are placed into a boarding school, they then learn in an environment that allows them to succeed. It's a good thing !!!!
On the 5th of September 2013 the Scholarship Fund is holding a winners evening at the Design Quarter in Fourways Johannesburg. Martin and Jeannie Dreyer will be discussing their respective 2013 wins of the Ride Across South Africa with all proceeds going to the Scholarship Fund. Jeannie's win smashed the woman's record by 5 days and she has the 3rd fastest time overall, Jeannie is that quite legend that is an inspiration to all of us, it will be interesting to hear her story.
Tickets are available through me at a cost of R100.00 per person, this includes some grub, good company, and the chance to part with some money as the auction items are going to be good. Please email me for further details, and remember every penny goes to the Scholarship Fund, by the way all donations you can claim back from tax !! My email is safe riding, and good luck to all riders at the World Masters Champs being held in PMB next week, the course is kick ass, Ben de Lange and I will remember the falls fondly !!